I facilitate cold-water therapy sessions and weekly journaling groups here at Hay Farm.
Ice baths can be an effective tool in managing stress and anxiety and helping with emotional regulation. The process also teaches valuable life lessons, preparing us to navigate life’s inevitable challenges. For some individuals, ice baths and even outdoor swimming have become a regular feature in recovery, and I find it very exciting and rewarding to hear about their adventures. Cold water has been instrumental in my own recovery, so it’s a subject very close to my heart.
As a passionate writer, I also facilitate weekly journaling groups, introducing clients to the concept of recording thoughts and feelings for five minutes each day as a way of documenting ups and downs, patterns and triggers. Again, this provides another tool to take away with and support recovery.
Hay Farm is a very grounding and nurturing place, and I feel blessed to be a part of it and contribute to the holistic treatment here.