Dr Laimonas Goncaras (Dr Liam) has worked since 2007 as a General Practitioner at The Medical Centre in Maidstone, Kent. Dr Liam graduated from Kaunas University of Medicine (Lithuania) in 2003. He endeavoured in further education in England and obtained a Postgraduate Diploma in Medicine (Newcastle University), Prescribing (Greenwich University) and Dermatology (Queens Mary University, London). He also obtained Substance Misuse Part 1 and Part 2 Diplomas from the Royal College of General Practice and is a proud member of the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP). Since the early days of his career, he has been a very keen player in the Substance Misuse Services in Kent, running a Shared Care Service (methadone and suboxone) for his practice patients and also being a member of a Steering Group with KCA. Dr Liam advises other primary care physicians and doctors on substance misuse, painkillers and appropriate prescribing.