Currently in my third year as a registered nurse, I came to Kendrick Mews certain that it would be an interesting place to work, very different to the NHS wards and community roles I’ve experienced. Here, I’m able to get to know our clients on a deeper level compared to my previous roles which I find very rewarding.

As the first point of contact for clients arriving at Kendrick Mews, it’s important that I make them feel comfortable whilst I assess their immediate clinical needs, especially important for clients who are beginning a detox programme. I will do everything I can to ensure they have a successful experience here and reach a point where they can safely transition back into their lives.

I’ve lived in London all my life, gaining my MAs in Medical Humanities and a degree in Adult Nursing at West London University. On my days off, I enjoy going for brunch in the city with friends. I look forward to warm holidays, in particular Dubai, which is my favourite destination.