

Alcohol addiction impacts millions worldwide and is a major risk to our physical and mental health. Research indicates that drinking alcohol is linked to multiple diseases, injuries, and including addiction itself. 

Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder

Alcohol addiction, often referred to as alcohol abuse or alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a condition where individuals cannot control their drinking even when it harms their health and disrupts important parts of their lives, such as relationships, family, social activities, work, or school. 

Drinking occasionally might not lead to addiction, but it becomes a problem when it creates issues with others and impacts our daily functioning. In such cases, a diagnosis of AUD may be given, which can range from mild to severe. It is important to note that even mild or moderate AUD can still cause significant damage to the individual, their families, and the community.

Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder

Alcohol significantly affects the body and causes problems for different organ systems. When consumed, alcohol is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, affecting the central nervous system and changing mood and behaviour. Initially, it may create feelings of relaxation and happiness, but drinking too much can harm cognition and coordination, which leads to risky actions and accidents. 

Alcohol disrupts the communication pathways within the brain and influences its overall functionality. Excessive use of alcohol impairs the brain regions responsible for balance, memory, speech, and judgement, leading to an increased risk of injuries and other adverse consequences. It can also cause changes in brain cells, including a reduction in their size. 


Symptoms Of Alcohol Use Disorder

A diagnosis of AUD can be assigned if the individual exhibits at least two of the following symptoms within 12 months: 

Note that these are the most common signs of addiction however, people are diverse, and addiction can affect them in many different ways. It’s important to recognise that not every individual will show these signs, with some people being able to manage daily obligations such as attending work.


Health Consequences Of Alcohol Addiction 

Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to many health issues, ranging from mild to life-threatening. Chronic drinkers often face liver damage, including fatty liver, hepatitis, and cirrhosis. It is also inked with gastric problems such as ulcers and pancreatitis, heart disease, high blood pressure, and an increased risk for several types of cancer. Furthermore, long-term abuse may weaken the immune system, which makes them more susceptible to diseases like pneumonia.

In addition to physical complications, alcohol addiction has detrimental psychological effects that impact one’s mental well-being. It may cause or exacerbate mental health conditions like anxiety disorders or depression. The reliance on alcohol in dealing with stressors impairs problem-solving skills while hindering personal growth and self-esteem development. 


Causes Of Alcohol Addiction

The exact causes of alcohol addiction remain unknown. However, the following factors can make you more prone to developing the condition.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

When a person stops drinking alcohol, they often experience mild withdrawal symptoms like slight anxiety, headaches, stomach issues, and trouble sleeping. However, these symptoms can worsen and lead to more serious conditions, such as alcohol withdrawal delirium, which can be difficult to diagnose and treat. 

Mild symptoms can also develop into alcohol hallucinosis, where the person may see or hear things that aren’t there, usually resolving within 48 hours after stopping alcohol. Furthermore, some individuals may have seizures just a few hours after they quit drinking.

Mental Health Treatment at PROMIS

PROMIS offers a wide range of treatments for alcohol addiction. We provide personalised treatment plans to suit your unique and specific needs. Here are some of our programmes designed for people struggling with alcohol addiction.

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