Feedback and Complaints

Feedback and Complaints


Feedback helps us improve the quality of your care. You can give good or bad feedback by telling our clinic about it. For example, you can do this through the daily feelings sheet, or, you can speak to a member of staff.

Before you finish your stay with us, please complete our satisfaction survey so we can learn which parts of treatment you most valued and which we can improve.


We aim to provide the best possible service, but we do not always get it right.

Your feedback helps us improve our services and how our staff carry out their roles.

If you are unhappy with an aspect of our service, it is worthwhile discussing your concerns early on with a member of staff in the team, as they may be able to sort the issue out quickly.

Most problems can be dealt with at this stage but, in some cases, you may feel more comfortable speaking to someone not directly involved in your care. You can also contact your focal therapist or the clinic manager.

You may prefer to email your concern in which case you can send it to

You can fill out this form or call us directly

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