People with bipolar disorder can often feel as though there is no way out. Bipolar disorder can greatly impact a person’s life, making it hard to stick to a routine, hold a job, and keep relationships. The mood swings associated with bipolar disorder can also disrupt sleep and influence decision-making and actions. Fortunately, there is a wide range of interventions available to treat bipolar disorder in various treatment centres like PROMIS.

PROMIS has abundant experience in treating mental health conditions and has helped thousands of people over the years with the diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder. With a team of experienced and compassionate mental health professionals, PROMIS can help you manage your symptoms through our specialised treatment options.

Understanding Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a lifelong mental health condition that can occur in episodes such as mania/hypomania and depression. It leads to significant and often extreme shifts in mood, energy, activity, and focus. This condition was previously called manic-depressive disorder. People with bipolar disorder are more likely to develop symptoms in late adolescence or early adulthood, though symptoms can occasionally show up in children. 

While everyone experiences normal mood swings, bipolar disorder is more intense. Mood changes can be very severe. During manic episodes, you may feel extremely happy, irritable, or overly energetic. In contrast, during depressive episodes, you may feel sad, uninterested, or hopeless, along with a significant drop in energy. Some people experience hypomanic episodes, which are similar to manic episodes but less intense. 

Even though symptoms may fluctuate, bipolar disorder usually requires ongoing treatment and does not resolve on its own. It can contribute to serious issues like suicide, job loss, and family problems, but effective treatment can lead to recovery.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

 Symptoms can differ from person to person. However, the hallmark of bipolar disorder include extreme mood swings. You might experience manic episodes, depressive episodes, or mixed episodes. These mood episodes can last from a week to several weeks, and symptoms may be present most of the day.

Types of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder has three main types, and each of them is marked by noticeable shifts in mood, energy, and activity. These include the following:


When To Get Help

Once you begin to experience symptoms of this mood disorder and it starts taking over your life,  it is an indicator that it’s time to seek professional help.

Bipolar disorders are chronic conditions that require immediate and constant medical care. When it is left untreated, the condition may progress and worsen over time.

Can Bipolar Be Treated? 

The quick answer is yes. Bipolar disorders can be treated, and there are various treatment options available to promote long-term recovery and prevent the recurrence of symptoms. Many people with bipolar disorder can live highly functional and meaningful lives with the right treatment. The condition does not go away on its own, so it is essential to seek professional help from a treatment centre like PROMIS.


Treatment For Bipolar Disorder

Medications and therapies remain a gold standard for the treatment of bipolar disorders. Generally, medication can reduce symptoms, while therapy allows you to improve your daily functioning and cope with stressors. 

Get Your Bipolar Disorder Treated At PROMIS

We understand how difficult it may be to cope daily with the symptoms of bipolar disorder. But know that recovery is possible when you seek guidance and support from professionals. 

Living with bipolar disorder does not have to be debilitating. If you want to learn more about what we can offer, contact us today, and let’s begin a journey toward better mental health.