The Internet and video gaming have emerged as prominent forms of entertainment in contemporary society. Their influence extends beyond children and teenagers, affecting individuals of all ages within our community. 

However, the growth of the gaming industry is accompanied by certain drawbacks. Recent studies indicate that a significant number of individuals who engage in casual gaming have begun to exhibit behavioural patterns, which can lead to what we refer to as video game addiction. Although the condition is a relatively recent phenomenon, several treatment options are available to help people break the cycle of addiction. 

What Is Video Game Addiction?

Gaming is growing rapidly and is increasingly seen as a serious problem. People can show various symptoms linked to their gaming habits, which can greatly impact their daily lives. 

In the past, problematic gaming was viewed as just unusual behaviour, not a real illness. However, due to its potential harm to many individuals, the World Health Organization (WHO) has now officially recognized video game disorder or gaming disorder as a mental health condition. It is marked by a consistent pattern of gaming that leads to compulsive gaming behaviour. Such behaviours often cause gaming to take precedence over other important activities such as schoolwork, personal hobbies, and other daily responsibilities.  


Signs And Symptoms Of Video Game Addiction

Some of the common signs and symptoms of video game addiction that you need to watch out for may include the following:

What Causes Video Game Addiction?

Video game addiction can develop due to several factors. Some games are designed to be addictive, featuring rewards, points, and levels that keep players engaged for long periods. Over the years, research and clinical practice have identified the following risk factors that may lead to gaming problems:


Stages Of Video Game Addiction 

Recognizing the stages of video game addiction is essential to understanding the problem. The first stage of video game addiction is the initial interest in gaming. During this phase, individuals show a strong desire to play video games, often using them to relax or escape from real life. 

As individuals move to the second stage, their gaming becomes more compulsive. They may feel a strong need to play, even when the games are no longer enjoyable. In the third stage, individuals may experience withdrawal symptoms when they are not gaming. They might feel irritable, restless, and have trouble focusing when unable to play. 

In the final stage, individuals face serious consequences due to their gaming habits, such as impairment in major areas of life. 

How Is Video Game Addiction Diagnosed?

Diagnosing video game disorder involves a careful process of clinical assessment that includes screening tools and clinical interviews. Mental health professionals carry out detailed interviews with clients to learn about their gaming behaviours and how these behaviours affect their everyday lives. They analyse the results from assessments, taking into account their unique experiences and history of gaming habits.

Harmful Effects Of Video Game Addiction

Physical health issues related to gaming include sleep problems, fatigue, trouble in concentration, and eye strain from prolonged screen time. In addition, video game addiction negatively impacts heart health, as sitting for long stretches and not being active can lead to obesity and heart disease. 

The negative consequences of gaming extend beyond physical to mental health issues. Studies show connections between gaming and psychological problems such as depression, generalized anxiety disorder, psychosomatic symptoms, and social anxiety. Furthermore, video game addiction can make a person aggressive, socially awkward, and anxious, often due to engaging in violent games and withdrawing from social interactions. 

In youth, gaming disorder can lead to lower academic performance in students and create family issues. When someone spends most of their time gaming and neglects household responsibilities, it can create tension within the family.

Video Game Addiction Treatment

The increasing prevalence of video games has heightened awareness regarding the issue of compulsive gaming, subsequently prompting the development of treatment programs aimed at addressing this addictive behaviour. Interventions for video game addiction primarily emphasize psychotherapy, with medication being utilized in certain instances.

Get Video Gaming Addiction Treated At PROMIS

Video game addiction is a serious problem that impacts many people and can lead to harmful effects in different parts of life. Those who feel they cannot manage their gaming habits and that it disrupts their daily activities should consider getting professional help. With appropriate treatment and support, people can beat their addiction and take back control of their lives. 

If you or someone you know is facing video game addiction, reaching out for professional help is a crucial first step to recovery. At PROMIS, we offer tailored and caring treatment options to assist individuals in overcoming their gaming addiction and achieving lasting recovery. 

Get in touch with our rehab centre today to find out more about our services and start your journey towards a healthier life without video game addiction.


Who Are The Most Vulnerable To Video Game Addiction

People who play massively multiplayer online role-playing games are at a higher risk of developing a video game addiction. The endless nature of these games promotes constant play to progress in the story, which greatly raises the chance of addiction.

In addition, those with existing mental health issues, like depression or anxiety, may turn to video games as a way to cope. Gaming can offer a short escape from their difficulties and a feeling of control over their surroundings.

What Are The Withdrawal Symptoms Of Video Game Addiction

Those with video game addiction are excessively absorbed in their virtual world for hours, and they neglect eating or sleeping to pursue playing more games. As a result, they experience withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, headaches, muscle pain, irritability, a sense of guilt, aggression, and intense craving for video gaming when they attempt to quit.

How Does Video Game Addiction Affect The Brain

Video game addiction impacts your brain by lowering the activity in the prefrontal cortex. This part of the brain is key for making decisions and exercising judgment. Impairment in these abilities can affect maintaining self-control. 

Do Violent Video Games Lead To Aggression

The quick answer is yes. Research studies suggest that playing violent video games can potentially lead to more aggressive thoughts, feelings, and actions.