Gambling Programme

Gambling Programme

Gambling Programme

Gambling is as much a drug as any of the others that PROMIS seeks to address.  Success in gambling leads to the fulfilment of fantasy and fantasy worlds are those which patients seek in an attempt to escape the real world.

The overwhelming factor in gambling addiction is that of denial.  The individual will reject reasoning and take risks in the hope that the next bet will put everything right.  This can lead to overwhelming debts, landing yourself and possibly your family and friends in serious financial catastrophe.

At PROMIS, a series of counselling and therapy sessions are provided to reduce the harmful desires associated with gambling addiction together with resolving the distressing consequences that the addiction may have caused.  PROMIS is aware that education is as important as rehabilitation and these two objectives will be achieved in perfect balance, across any one of our clinics throughout Europe.

Programme duration varies dependent on the patients progress and programme selected. We are available 24 hours a day to take your call, and will always be here to help.


With the advent of the internet, easy access to the worldwide web, and current technologies rapidly becoming more readily and continuously available, increasing numbers of people are becoming addicted to the internet itself and online facilities. It might not be immediately recognized as an addiction but it is a seriously growing field of concern. The adverse effects are similar to commonly accepted addictions and include on line gambling, shopping, sex lines and obsessive use of games.

PROMIS provides a series of counselling and therapy sessions to examine the underlying factors that drive the addiction. This enables a patient to discover  who they really are and develop self acceptance. This creates the power to look inside themselves for the solution to their problems and create healthy alternatives to addiction, resulting in a more balanced and fulfilled life.

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