

PROMIS Trauma Treatment Centre provides treatment for individuals who have experienced traumatic events such as sexual assault or physical abuse. If the person has an outlet to process these memories and feelings, then they will be able to deal with the trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder more effectively. The treatment is done in a group setting, so they will not feel alone in their situation.

At PROMIS, we offer one-on-one counselling, group therapy and support groups for children, youth and adults. They also provide training to the community, providing information about how traumatic events affect people.

Treatment for Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Our facility at PROMIS is well suited for where people can go to process their traumatic experiences. The idea behind it, is that if the person has an outlet for processing these memories and feelings about what happened to them, then they will be able to process and move on from what happened. PROMIS Trauma Treatment Centre is a place where people can go for treatment after experiencing traumatic events such as sexual assault or physical abuse.

With experienced professionals, PROMIS is able to help people to process their memories of the event and deal with any post-traumatic stress disorder they might have after what happened. The treatment is done in a group setting, and we will also help you to find ways to cope with trauma.

What is Trauma Therapy?

Trauma therapy is a form of psychotherapy that helps people who have been exposed to life-threatening or traumatic events recover from the experience. Traumatic experiences can include physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, natural disasters, and combat.

The Goals of Trauma Therapy

Trauma therapy aims to help the person recover from traumatic experiences and regain a sense of control in their life. The goals of trauma therapy are:

– To make meaning out of what happened

– To explore how the traumatic event has impacted their life

– To discover ways to heal and move on

– To find support and connections.

Treatment usually lasts about 8-10 sessions and the person is encouraged to bring someone they trust with them. The therapist will ask questions like: What does it feel like when you think about what happened? How did you feel when it was happening and after the event? What do you think might help heal your wounds and allow you to move on with your life?

Types of Therapy used for Trauma

There are two types of therapy used for trauma, Exposure Therapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Exposure Therapy is the type of psychotherapy that involves exposing someone to their traumatic memory or event in a gradual, safe, and controlled manner- the exposure is done gradually so as not to trigger a full episode of post-traumatic stress disorder.

For example, a therapist might ask the patient to recall their traumatic event and talk about it for five minutes, then 10 minutes and eventually up to an hour over time. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on changing the way people think, feel, and react to certain things in their lives. A therapist can also use other methods for treating trauma including talk therapy and medication.

What is PTSD?

Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a mental health condition that people can develop after they go through an extremely stressful experience. Symptoms include flashbacks and nightmares about the event; feelings of detachment or numbness; irritability or outbursts of anger, difficulty remembering important parts of the event, and painful memories.

Exposure therapy can be used to help reduce these symptoms. Exposure therapy is gradual exposure to memories or reminders of the event, which helps them process their experience.

Symptoms of PTSD

The symptoms of PTSD can be classified into three categories: intrusion, avoidance and arousal. Intrusion is the re-experiencing a traumatic event in thoughts or dreams.

Avoidance involves avoiding things that might trigger memories of the traumatic event such as people, places or activities. Arousal is when a person feels reactive and easily startled or tense.

Treatment for PTSD

PTSD is an anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to a terrifying event. It may cause feelings of intense fear, helplessness or horror in response to what is happening.

These feelings may last for months or years after the event, and there are some symptoms that people with PTSD will experience. In order to treat PTSD, it is important to contact a trauma treatment centre such as PROMIS.

The symptoms of PTSD may interfere with the person’s work or school life, their family relationships and social activities. It can be difficult to manage these symptoms on one’s own.

A trauma treatment centre can provide therapy and help with managing PTSD, which might include relaxation techniques or psychotherapy.

Long-term strategies for coping may involve, for example, taking time off work or school until the person is feeling better.

PROMIS Trauma Treatment Centre offers therapy and help with managing PTSD which might include relaxation techniques or psychotherapy.

Complex PTSD Treatment in the UK

Complex PTSD is a chronic form of the disorder that often develops from years or decades of trauma, such as being in an abusive relationship. Complex PTSD does not have specific criteria for diagnosing the disorder, but it may include symptoms of PTSD as well as other mental illnesses.

The person who has experienced trauma is not just experiencing one event in their lives that might have been traumatic. Rather, trauma often involves a series of events that happen over years.

Complex PTSD is difficult to diagnose and treat because the symptoms can be different from person-to-person. The complex nature of the disorder is an opportunity for recovery.

Complex PTSD often develops from years or decades of trauma, such as being in an abusive relationship. It does not have specific diagnostic criteria. The traumatic event can include any experience that feels like it has threatened your safety or challenged what you believe the world to be like.

People may have complex PTSD if they’ve experienced a traumatic event and developed symptoms in the months or years following their experience, such as:

– Flashbacks of the event (sudden memories or feelings that make you feel like the event is happening again)

– Avoidance of people, places, and things that remind them of their trauma. For example: avoiding watching

Our treatment centre in the UK will help you overcome the trauma that has been impacting your life.

There are a number of different ways to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a technique of psychotherapy that was initially developed by Francine Shapiro in the 1980s.

EMDR is an integrative psychotherapy that is designed to resolve the emotional and cognitive problems related to traumatic memories. EMDR has been shown as effective in treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other anxiety-related conditions. The process of eliminating traumatic memories with this kind of therapy is relatively quick, usually only taking a few sessions to complete.

EMDR was initially developed as an effective form of treatment for traumatic memories but has since been expanded to include other stress-induced disorders such as panic attacks and phobias. This therapy is used to treat a variety of mental and physical disorders; we use this form of treatment at PROMIS Trauma Treatment Centre.

Exposure Therapy

Exposure therapy can be used to treat PTSD. This type of treatment involves two phases. The first phase is called “exposure”. In this phase, the therapist gradually exposes a person with PTSD to the traumatic event they experienced.

The second phase is called “process” or “desensitization”. In this phase, the person with PTSD imagines themselves in a safe place while recalling the traumatic event.

Exposure therapy has been shown to be effective in treating PTSD. The American Psychiatric Association recommends exposure therapy as the first-line treatment for people with trauma symptoms that are not severe.

Exposure therapy can be used to treat PTSD. This type of treatment involves two phases. The first phase is called “exposure”. In this phase, the therapist gradually exposes a person with PTSD to the traumatic event that they experienced.

The second phase is called “process” or “desensitization”. In this phase, the person with PTSD imagines themselves in a safe place while they are exposed to what they fear.

GROUP Therapy

Group therapy is a type of psychotherapy that involves people meeting together to support and help each other. In group sessions, everyone talks about their feelings as well as the problems they are facing in their daily lives.

Group therapy will help people with PTSD because it’s a way for them to express their thoughts and feelings, share what is bothering them, and get feedback from others.

The first phase of treatment is called “exposure” or “cognitive processing”. In this phase, the person is exposed to what they fear in order to change their thoughts and feelings about it. This can be done through a technique called “imagery exposure”.

For example, a person with PTSD might be asked to imagine the traumatic event and then change their thoughts about it.

The second phase of treatment is called “relaxation” or “imagery desensitization”. In this phase, the person can learn how to relax and control their thoughts.

Medication for PTSD

Complex PTSD is a severe form of the disorder that can be difficult to diagnose. The symptoms are similar to those with less serious forms of PTSD, but they’re more intense and frequent. Complex PTSD is often found in people who experienced prolonged, repeated trauma.

Medication for PTSD has been getting increasing attention from doctors and researchers recently. There are a number of different options including antidepressants. Doctors are also looking at the potential of using drugs to treat PTSD symptoms.

Many treatments have been created for complex PTSD, but they’re not always full-proof methods that work on everyone. The type of treatment you get will depend on the severity of your symptoms. For people with milder PTSD, therapy may be enough to help them recover.

In more serious cases, medication and therapy may be necessary. It is important to know that there are a number of different ways to treat PTSD, and the best way for you will depend on your symptoms. You should also talk to your doctor about what will work best for you.

Some people feel that therapy is enough for them, while others require more involved treatments. It is important to determine which treatment will work best for you.

PTSD Residential Treatment in the UK

The NHS (National Health Service) operates many trauma treatment centres across the UK. The NHS treats those who have experienced sexual assault, domestic abuse and other forms of trauma. Treatment includes dealing with the memories and feelings that come as a result of such events.

These are either free of charge or cost between £250 and £1000 per week, depending on your circumstances, and private centres prices will be around £ 3,000-5,000 per week.

Our private trauma treatment centre in the UK is recognised for its expertise in the field and will help you overcome your PTSD. Feel free to contact us at PROMIS for more information.

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