
Does a Longer Stay Help

Does a longer stay help?

How long should someone stay in Rehab? This depends on so many things, how many problems are being treated, how intense they are and so on. Some people come to stay for a brief respite and others stay longer so it’s interesting to know if there is any evidence for different benefits for different lengths […]

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Movember shines a light to another worthy but unspoken cause

Movember shines a light to another worthy but unspoken cause

We are delighted to hear that the organiser’s behind the Movember movement are turning their focus this year to men’s Mental Health. See It is our considerable experience that physical and mental health are not separate matters but two aspects of well-being and resilience that overlap and have a clear cause and effect relationship;

Movember shines a light to another worthy but unspoken cause Read More »

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