
Movember shines a light to another worthy but unspoken cause

Movember shines a light to another worthy but unspoken cause

We are delighted to hear that the organiser’s behind the Movember movement are turning their focus this year to men’s Mental Health. See It is our considerable experience that physical and mental health are not separate matters but two aspects of well-being and resilience that overlap and have a clear cause and effect relationship;

Movember shines a light to another worthy but unspoken cause Read More »

Treatment of Drug Addiction: When is it successful?

Treatment of Drug Addiction: When is it successful?

When can we say that treatment of drug addiction has been successful? The problem of deciding what constitutes success, or even improvement has generated heated debate between therapists, most notably in the past between 12-steps, psychoanalytic and behavioural enthusiasts. It has also divided policy makers. Those who favour prevention and environmental control are sceptical of the

Treatment of Drug Addiction: When is it successful? Read More »

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