
Are we getting good enough advice about antidepressants?

Are we getting good enough advice about antidepressants?

Last year, Prof John Read and Dr James Davies published a paper in the scientific journal ‘Addiction’ reviewing the withdrawal effects of antidepressants and suggesting these are worse than most people have been informed. They raise concerns that symptoms of withdrawal are both more common, affecting nearly half of people trying to come off them,

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Does a longer stay help?

How long should someone stay in Rehab? This depends on so many things, how many problems are being treated, how intense they are and so on. Some people come to stay for a brief respite and others stay longer so it’s interesting to know if there is any evidence for different benefits for different lengths

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Interview with Clare Kennedy, founder of Kennedy St & Co

Robin Lefever’s Interview with Clare Kennedy, founder of Kennedy St & Co For many of us in recovery, the idea of going out to a bar is a terrifying prospect. Will I be laughed at for ordering an orange juice? Will the shelves stacked with spirit bottles be too tempting to resist? But Brighton based

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Helping Patients Suffering from Trauma using Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

Introduction to EMDR The precise neural mechanism for how eye movements affect emotional status is unclear, but the fact is they do. It is almost as though a broad view of the horizon from left to right, and right to left also helps the mind to place events within the broader context, or for both

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Hope for Depressed Addicts

Not so long ago Alcoholics Anonymous was regarded with condescension by many professionals working in the addiction field. A common view was that science-based techniques, like Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) had made the Anonymous Fellowships seem like a quaint and outmoded quasi-religious cult. At the same time, there were encouraging signs of scientific method being

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Pure White and Deadly – Why addicts should be avoiding Sugar!

Can something so seemingly harmless and widely available really be so bad for us? The answer is yes. Sugar is not just bad for us; in reality eating too many refined sugars too often is one of the root causes of many of the chronic health conditions hitting new heights in western cultures including type

Pure White and Deadly – Why addicts should be avoiding Sugar! Read More »



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